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Belgium TIN number guide

Numéro National (NN)

"Numéro National" often refers to the National Number, which is a unique identification number assigned to individuals for various administrative and official purposes.

Official identity card (back side) only for Belgians citizensSocial Security Card for foreign residents
Official identity card (back side) only for Belgians citizensSocial Security Card for foreign residents


Also known as Numéro d'entreprise, Ondernemingsnummer serves as a unique identifier for businesses and legal entities operating in Belgium. Format is "10-digit number, always beginning with 0 or 1 (the last two digits are the check number).

The enterprise number is assigned by and registered in the Banque Carrefour des entreprises (BCE) / Kruispuntbank van Ondernemingen (KBO) (Crossroads Bank of Enterprises in English) which is managed by the Federal Public Service Economy, SMEs and Self-employed. This register is publicly accessible. On mails, invoices or other documents of an enterprise, the enterprise number might be preceded by BE, or TVA BE (in French) or BTW BE (in Dutch) (which means VAT in English). As the enterprise number is used to identify an entity for taxation purposes, it might also be referred to as ""Numéro de TVA"" (in French) or ""BTW nummer"" (in Dutch) (= VAT number).

The last two digits are the check number.

Examples: BE0999999999, BE1999999999

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