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Anguilla TIN number guide

Tax Identification Number

Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) are assigned to individuals and entities upon registration with the Inland Revenue Department (IRD), which serves as Anguilla's Tax Administration responsible for tax collection and law enforcement. TINs typically remain unchanged and do not undergo frequent renewal. However, there has been a recent modification to the TIN structure concurrent with the introduction of the new tax administration system. In the past, taxpayers were provided with Customer Identification Numbers and Enterprise Numbers for unique identification. The TIN now functions as a singular identifier for all tax types and uniquely identifies each registered individual or entity at the IRD.


Tax Identification Numbers (TINs) are distinct 10-digit codes automatically generated by the tax administration system, encompassing a prefix digit and a check digit. Individual TINs initiate with the prefix 1, while Non-Individual (business) TINs commence with the prefix 2. To clarify, TINs for individuals consistently begin with 1, whereas TINs for businesses consistently commence with 2.

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