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Dominica TIN number guide

Registro Nacional del Contribuyente (RNC)

Internal Revenue assigns two types of RNC numbers: "Registrados" (Registered) and "Contribuyentes" (Taxpayers).

The RNCs for "Registrados" are granted for the completion of specific procedures, certain transactions, the ability to make occasional tax declarations and/or payments. Meanwhile, the RNCs for "Contribuyentes" are intended for engaging in one or more economic activities that generate tax obligations with periodic reporting requirements.

All persons, whether of national or foreign origin, who have tax responsibility in the Dominican territory are required to register for RNC.

The RNC number for individuals is the same as their National Identity Card number, while for legal entities and foreigners without an identity card, it is a 9-digit number assigned by Internal Revenue


9 Digits

Official database Search RNC

Cédula de Identidad y Electoral

Cedula consists of 11 digits

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