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Belize TIN number guide

Tax Identification Number (TIN)

Belize Tax Service Department issues all Tax Identification Numbers (TIN). TINs are issued to Individuals(employees), Sole Proprietors, Partnerships, Limited Liability Partnerships, and Companies. It is not mandatory for an unemployed individual to have a TIN. Directors and shareholders are also required to have a TIN. Reportable Financial Institutions for Common Reporting Standards are required to obtain Tax Identification numbers from all account holders.

A Tax Identification Number changes if a business structure changes such as in the case where a Sole Proprietor changes to a Limited Liability Partnership or Limited Liability Company or where a Limited Liability Partnership changes to a Limited Liability Company. TIN numbers for individual do not change.


The TIN consists of 7 digits which includes the use of check digit. "All successfully registered taxpayers through our Revenue Management System will be generated a 6 Digit TIN number, and an additional single check digit at the end." The check digit is not visible to the taxpayer.

Where to find TIN?

The General Sales Tax Certificate and the Business Tax Certificate are the only documents that display the Tax Identification Number for Business Entities.

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