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Countries and Vat Names

Even though we generally term the Tax Identification Numbers as VAT numbers, it will be populary known in the issuing country by its local name. This document list downs the local name of the VAT numbers and its formats.

CountryCountry codeVAT in national languageStuctureFormatRegexRemarks
AustriaATUmsatzsteuer – Identifikationsnummer(USt)U123456789 characters. The first character is always ‘U’(U\d{8}$)/i)
BelgiumBEle numéro d’identification ą la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée BTW – identificatienummer(BTW, TVA, NWSt)123456789010 characters. Prefix with zero ‘0’ if the customer provides a 9 digit VAT number(\d{10}$)/i)
BulgariaBGИдентификационен номер по ДДС(ДДС)123456789, 12345678909 or 10 characters.(\d{9,10}$)/i)
CroatiaHRPDV identifikacijski broj1234567890111 characters(\d{11}$)/i)
CyprusCYΑριθμός Εγγραφής Φ.Π.Α.; Arithmos Egrafis FPA12345678X9 characters. The last character must always be a letter.([0-5|9]\d{7}[A-Z]$)/i)
Czech RepublicCZdanové identifikacnķ cķslo (DIC/DPH)12345678, 123456789, 12345678908, 9 or 10 characters. If more than 10 characters are provided delete the first 3 as these are a tax code.(\d{8,10})?$/i)
Denmark1DKmomsregistreringsnummer(moms)123456788 characters.(\d{8}$)/i)Except the Faroe Islands and Greenland
EstioniaEEkäibemaksukohustuslasena registreerimise number(km)1234567899 characters.(10\d{7}$)/i)
FinlandFIarvonlisćverorekisterõintinumero; Mervärdesskatteregistreringsnummer (momsregistreringsnummer)(ALV, Moms)123456788 characters.(\d{8}$)/i)Excluding the Åland Islands
FranceFRle numéro d’identification ą la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée(TVA)12345678901, X1234567890, 1X123456789, XX12345678911 characters. May include alphabetical characters (any except O or I) as first or second or first and second characters.([0-9A-Z]{2}[0-9]{9}$)/i)Including Monaco but excluding Guadeloupe, Martinique, Réunion, St Pierre and Miquelon, and French Guiana
GermanyDEUmsatzsteuer – Identifikationsnummer(MwSt., Ust.)1234567899 characters.([1-9]\d{8}$)/i)Except Büsingen and the Isle of Heligoland
GreeceELΑριθμός Φορολογικού Μητρώου ΦΠΑ; Arithmos Forologikou Mitroou FPA1234567899 characters.(\d{9}$)/i)
HungaryHUközösségi adószįm(ÁFA)123456788 characters.(\d{8}$)/i)
IndiaINGST identification number(GSTIN)24AAACC1206D1ZM15 characters. The first 2 digits of the GSTIN is the State code, next 10 digits are the PAN of the legal entity, the next two digits are for entity code, and the last digit is check sum number.\d{2}[A-Z]{5}\d{4}[A-Z]{1}[A-Z\d]{1}[Z]{1}[A-Z\d]{1}
IrelandIEvalue added tax identification no.(CBL, VAT)1234567X, 1X23456X, 1234567XX8 or 9 characters. Includes one or two alphabetical characters (last, or second and last, or last 2).([0-9A-Z\*\+]{7}[A-Z]{1,2}$)/i)
ItalyITil numero di registrazione IVA1234567890111 characters.(\d{11}$)/i)Except the communes of Livigno and Campione d’Italia and the Italian waters of Lake Lugano
LatviaLVpievienotas vertibas nodokla (PVN) registracijas numurs1234567890111 characters.(\d{11}$)/i)
LithuaniaLTPVM moketojo kodas123456789, 1234567890129 or 12 characters.(\d{9}$|\d{12}$)/i)
LuxembourgLUle numéro d’identification ą la taxe sur la valeur ajoutée(TVA)123456788 characters.(\d{8}$)/i)
MaltaMTnumru ta’ l-identifikazzjoni tat-taxxa fuq il-valur miśjud; value added tax identification number(VAT)123456788 characters.([1-9]\d{7}$)/i)
NetherlandsNLBTW – identificatienummer123456789B0112 characters. The tenth character is always B.(\d{9}B\d{2}$)/i)
PolandPLNumer identyfikacyjny VAT(NIP)123456789010 characters(\d{10}$)/i)
PortugalPTo nśmero de identificaēćo para efeitos do imposto sobre o valor acrescentado(IVA)1234567899 characters.(\d{9}$)/i)Including the Azores and Madeira
RomaniaROcod de īnregistrare īn scopuri de TVA12, 123, 1234, 12345, 123456, 1234567, 12345678, 123456789, 1234567890From 2 to 10 characters.([1-9]\d{1,9}$)/i)
SlovakiaSKidentifikacné cķslo pre dan (IC DPH)123456789010 characters([1-9]\d[(2-4)|(6-9)]\d{7}$)/i)
SloveniaSIidentifikacijska številka za (DDV)123456788 characters([1-9]\d{7}$)/i)
SpainESel nśmero de identificación a efectos del Impuesto sobre el Valor Añadido(IVA)(NIF or CIF)X12345678, 12345678X, X1234567X9 characters. Includes one or two alphabetical characters (first or last or first and last).([0-9A-Z][0-9]{7}[0-9A-Z]$)/i)Including the Balearic Islands but excluding Ceuta, Melilla and the Canary Islands
SwedenSEMervärdesskatteregistreringsnummer (momsregistreringsnummer)(Moms)12345678901212 characters(\d{10}01$)/i)
United KingdomGBvalue added tax (VAT) registration no.(?:[0-9]{12}|[0-9]{9}|(?:GD|HA)[0-9]{3})$)/i)"
Northern IrelandXI999999999, 999999999999, GD999, HA999
EUnon union VAT moss numberEUxxxyyyyyz


  1. Except the Faroe Islands and Greenland